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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize.

i'm a short little junkie, a christian who happens to be a student :), miss last min, online shopping addict, no more mary had a little lamb. haha

loves God, my sugars, shopping, dark nails, vintage, museums, sprees, hanging out, sleeping, drawing, research papers without deadlines, prac crit, music, acoustic + guitarish, cartoons, spongebob, my piggies, black & white, subway, dramedy!



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

due to ultimate boredom n some impulsiveness... i've decided to shift to dunworrythereisnosugar.wordpress.com
7:10 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009

i now officially have plastic-like teeth that are so straight tt they look fake. i like.

finally a break frm work.... n dear victoria-orange-bag's off to enjoy his break. hope we'll get a hardwrking replacement who can also entertain. lol.

n am such a goon to just discover the wonders of BLEACH. saved 2 of my fav shirts...

looking forward to indian food on weds n CHINA. again.
5:06 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009

met up w huda n zx on mon... the long time no see ppl. had a long long chat at food culture n huda got updated w dramatic episodes frm zx's life. lol. still amazed tt such scenes actually happen in real life... n both of them said tt i've got a soft spot. throw in the right words at the right time into my indecisive mind n i'll agree to something then regret later... haha. guess it's pretty true. i'm impulsive n sometimes too concurring for my own good.

tues n weds - work n joan is FINALLy back!!! entertainment n lots of ghost stories (more funny than scary though)

thurs - went to zx's hse w sm n lw to watch movies. took stupid videos dedicated to zx on my hp while waiting for her to reach hm at subway... lw's idea. duh. then played name the veggies game out of pure boredom of waiting. the loser has to upload an ugly photo on facebk. n i lost. bt since the bluetooth doesnt seem to be wrking... i guess tt my ugly photo is gonna stay safe inside my hp :D also, lw w her "pwr of influence" inherited frm ty managed to persuade sm to go dye her hair. haha. sm's super paranoid over the results. lw n i got our own dye too...

played w zx's neice n nephew + hair-dying session + watched "the uninvited" n i had to leave halfway even though i live only a few blocks dwn cos of my STUPID CURFEW which is apparently getting shifted up earlier n earlier. ridiculous!!! i'm not some 12 yr old kid for goodness sake... pissed pissed pissed. it's not like i'm some rebellious kid who hangs out w bad company... so i've decided tt i'm going for my july holiday no matter wat!!! at least let me have the freedom to enjoy my holiday...

ysterday - printed perhentian photos... lotsa ugly ones. met up for waraku w lh later... then got sm n lw to join us for IT fair... lh's brilliant idea. i still dun think tt u're a shy person. lol. POPEYES' later!!! still thinking of the mashed potatoes...

to digress... pent-up feelings are so not the way to go....
12:52 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

prison break is dope. wentworth miller is eye candy. n i got sm addicted. yays. 1 season down. 3 more to go...
10:33 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009

went to marina barrage on mon... pretty good place for picnics, kite flying, dumb photos n great location for waving to planes flying ovr. not bad :D

us loonies waving at almost every single plane flying over. haha. i like. wonder if the pilots can actually see us... hmmmm

the picnic... 2 umbrella obsessed loonies n 1 tan obsessed loony + food + dvds + a very very reflective laptop

muffins made by lw, meat patties (nice!) n almond jelly by sm, tuna sandwiches n super oily cereal lumps by me!!! the butter frm the cereal lumps were overflowing lo. i suck at making edible stuff. haha.

sm n lw r super uber concerned over getting 60 yr old skin due to sun exposure (n it all started w dear lw seeing tis woman on the bus w an ok face and back but horrendous 60 yr old arms. lol.) ... thus the obsession w the umbrellas n caps... n i'm the one obsessed w getting 60 yr old skin cos i want a tan!!!

meet the "i don't want 60 yr old skin" brolly ppl...

the initial plan was to pig out n watch dvds on my heavy lappie... bt my lappie is uber reflective as u can see... it's a total mirror la. cldnt even see my cursor properly... much less the movie...

the way to pass time... jumping shots! repeated over n over n over again... a bunch of jumping loonies. haha. luckily, there weren't many ppl ard... we're such lousy photographers

the one n only successful one. haha, pathetic...

my fav!!!

sm's fav past time of snapping random pics...

my huge picnic bag :D i like. esp since my sis was the one who paid for it

i hate this building design. think it's ugly... like some ancestoral tablets sticking out of nowhere...

not to forget the fav cheena touristy pic copied frm china...

headed to lw's hse after tt. finally got to touch lw's doggie w/o it biting me... bt it lasted for only a while. then it turned hostile again. must be the dementia. haha. watched ba wang bie ji. some chinese arts festival film i think. nice. gd for lit analysis. lol. still dun get the significance behind the goldfishes...

at the end of the day, i'm still abt the same color. no diff... sian
11:09 PM

visited peranakan museum last wk after finally finally making sm's specs. long long overdue. she's obsessed w thin lenses and thin frames. lol. n her specs are ultra cheap la. cheaper than my cheapo specs...

peranakan museum's real small n the exhibits are kinda limited. pretty straightforward... real apt place for pri n sec sch excursions. accounts for the whole bunch of students we saw there...

some of the exhibits...

the peeps...

the little kids... according to sm...

interestingly, the museum has a cat as it's mascot n of course sm loves the kitty

dumb photos... the dumb-photos-pro lw n a very stiff me. i suck at this...

sm's turn

lw eating the dumplings sm brought. totally dun dig dumplings n pork. dumplings are for "old" ppl. hahahaha. it's a very lao ren thing in my opinion... bt apparantly, sm n lw enjoy them a lot. lol.

something i saw on a vending machine at the substation near the museum. i like.

headed to lido for dinner n movie after tt. young victoria's just so-so...

took a photo of our bag buddies while waiting ard for the movie to start... soft toys in our bags. guess we're still pretty childish ppl. haha. n i like elmo ALOT!
9:55 AM
Sunday, May 31, 2009

trip dwn to national museum some time back... real fancy costume exhibits n contemporary interior design...

the Christian Lacroix exhibition...


n curiously... the romeo n juliet costumes looked strangely Tibetan n tribal instd of english. lol.

Verner Panton

coincidentally bumped into someone frm my cold war debate grp who happens to be an intern there while lazing inside the exhibit below (n u need to sterilize ur hands n wear plastic feet-covers to get in) ... it's a colorful constellation of comfy "sofas". i like.

said hi to the interactive companions frm the spore hist gallery again. intensive. it's like another rd of hist hw. haha.

down the windy windy path back into the past w lw's auntish red plastic bag of viet lanterns...

walked to glutton's bay after tt. yay. chicken wings. stingray n ice kachang.

n lazing session along the spore river later :)

the sucky imitation of some emo-cartoon

the act-cute ones

on the same week...

an interesting update frm someone. lol. aston's w von n chris + 1st rd of BS + star trek (ultra guy show) + addictive lido popcorn!!! + 2nd rd of BS at coffee club...
+ MUD PIE!!!

out w rongie, corina n esther at Bosses the nxt day. at least corina can finally sorta rmb my name... was late... n tt naughty little gal came up to me n said, "beiru ah yi why u so man tun tun." hahaha. cute. night at the museum 2 after tt. n headed to swenson's for dinner cos corina kept reminding all of us abt her ice-cream during the movie. lol.

my banana split
10:52 PM

Jason Mraz & Colbie Caliet - Lucky_0.mp3 -