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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize.

i'm a short little junkie, a christian who happens to be a student :), miss last min, online shopping addict, no more mary had a little lamb. haha

loves God, my sugars, shopping, dark nails, vintage, museums, sprees, hanging out, sleeping, drawing, research papers without deadlines, prac crit, music, acoustic + guitarish, cartoons, spongebob, my piggies, black & white, subway, dramedy!



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

trip dwn to national museum some time back... real fancy costume exhibits n contemporary interior design...

the Christian Lacroix exhibition...


n curiously... the romeo n juliet costumes looked strangely Tibetan n tribal instd of english. lol.

Verner Panton

coincidentally bumped into someone frm my cold war debate grp who happens to be an intern there while lazing inside the exhibit below (n u need to sterilize ur hands n wear plastic feet-covers to get in) ... it's a colorful constellation of comfy "sofas". i like.

said hi to the interactive companions frm the spore hist gallery again. intensive. it's like another rd of hist hw. haha.

down the windy windy path back into the past w lw's auntish red plastic bag of viet lanterns...

walked to glutton's bay after tt. yay. chicken wings. stingray n ice kachang.

n lazing session along the spore river later :)

the sucky imitation of some emo-cartoon

the act-cute ones

on the same week...

an interesting update frm someone. lol. aston's w von n chris + 1st rd of BS + star trek (ultra guy show) + addictive lido popcorn!!! + 2nd rd of BS at coffee club...
+ MUD PIE!!!

out w rongie, corina n esther at Bosses the nxt day. at least corina can finally sorta rmb my name... was late... n tt naughty little gal came up to me n said, "beiru ah yi why u so man tun tun." hahaha. cute. night at the museum 2 after tt. n headed to swenson's for dinner cos corina kept reminding all of us abt her ice-cream during the movie. lol.

my banana split
10:52 PM

the one dedicated to rongie...

chicken wing is not cute!!!
10:44 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009

actually wanted to "avoid" checking my results today... n con't existing in my own delusional bubble (just in case shitty results may burst it). bt thx to chris' ipod n some convincing... found out tt my cap dropped a lil. relief. didnt screw up abnormal psych too badly since i was expecting a C or worse... bt an improvement in my cap would of course be ideal. 2 more sems to pull up

n found out frm pre-hons briefing tt there's no grading curve for yr 4 :D
8:12 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009

shokudo w rongie n bw today... great chat + great food. n the impulse to learn hw to play the guitar is back... so feel like buying one to toy ard w. i need a guitar lesson buddy!!!

results out tml... dread dread dread. esp psych. gonna procrastinate...
6:55 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009

been splurging on food n movies these few days... oh no. this is bad. lol.

really miss a 9-5 job w gd pay... feeling poor now :(

celebrated huda's belated bdae last tues... bt we forgot to pay for her food. heheh. paiseh. went to minds cafe after lunch... recommended i'm the boss - the super aunty bargaining investment game. biz is real fun n evil. lol. played ugly ugly n taboo too. taboo is real cheem la. how the hell do u guess "rod steward". think tt it's a culturally biased game. lol. kept choosing all the easy cards.


tea chapter w esther n rongie last sun. great place to chat n laze ard... stuffed ourselves at shokudo after tt...

premium green tea which looks like weed. lol.

the tea set... they even teach u the proper way of drinking chinese tea

the cozy ambiance. i like.

n the disadvantages of sitting near the kettle :S

the peeps...

8:20 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009

my dad managed to drag my mum to go jogging at MacRitchie ysterday. miraculous. haha. bt in the end, she jogged n walked for less than 15 mins n ended up chatting w some aunties. lol.

tea chapter w rongie n esther today. nice tea, nice ambience. 2nd round nxt time w rongie's niece so tt we can bully her into pouring tea for us. haha.

braces gonna be off by the nxt visit. no more funny talk, weird pronunciation n stubbornly stuck leftovers for supper :DDD can't wait!
11:16 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2009

landed myself a fat-ass job. sit on my butt for 10 hrs outside the ward n look at visitors... how am i gonna last for a mth. gosh.
12:33 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009

went to watch wolverine w lw today... not bad, w some dumb parts though... lol. shopping aftr tt n there goes our moolah. btw does anyone want to go to lw's hse to hang out? cos the key is now w me n timothy needs entertainment n feeding...

wanted to go to the kangxi exhibit at acm. bt the musuem was closed... so hopped over to esplanade. watched a pleasant performance by a local band at the concourse... the singer has really nice vocals and i like their ballads :) went on a water cooler hunt after tt... cos lw insisted tt she saw one inside the esplanade... she's "water-blind" n having hallucinations cos she's water-deprived. haha. settled dinner at the fabled glutton's bay... n guess wat! we saw the makansutra guru guy sitting at the VIP table covered w white table cloth amidst a sea of plain hawker tables n chairs...

what we drooled over - stingray + prawn omelette :))

n my sis finally got her acceptance letter frm smu!!! :DD
11:16 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009

mugging nightmare was finally over ysterday!!! as expected... screwed up my abnormal psych paper. no surprise. cldn't finish studying for the paper n tried to cram the whole txtbk into my puny brain within 2 hrs early early in the morning at 4 am. n i kinda forgt most of the stuff i studied the day b4. *screams* n my caffaine didnt help much either. super groggy. i HATE consecutive papers!!!

mon - cold war - going thru the motion. n panadol to the rescue.

tues - general bio - intensive flipping thru-out the exam. luckily it's open bk. or else i'll die a very horrible death

weds - buddhism - happiness. esp after seeing dr dubbois sitting bare-footed like a meditating buddha on a stack of excercise mats during the exam n post-entertainment by some joker who shouted "woo-hoo. exam is over!" at the back of the hall

thurs - hist of jap - happiness + plus really glad abt the impromptu prayer session my tutorial mate invited me to join. really elevated my mood

sat - abnormal psych

glad tt it's all over. groggy shopping w my sis in town after tt... even though i was uber sleepy, didnt want to go home. need to sustain the post-exam slacking tradition :D n i psycho-ed my sis into treating me lunch n buying me coffee n carrying my stuff. lol. it totally worked. hahaha. love going out with her. she's my second maria after my bro. n she wants to open dumb banana to rival mango. lol. her nonsense is real de-stressing.

time to get a job. get jealous over rongie n lw cos they'll be overseas. n lament abt the fully booked life drawing class. sian
11:55 AM

Jason Mraz & Colbie Caliet - Lucky_0.mp3 -