Sunday, April 19, 2009
panadol extra just killed my headache today! my new savior. synflex can go live in the bin alrdy...
11:29 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
i just did myself a favor and applied for an internship at a dusty museum :D happiness. hope i get in
cold war test tmr n i've only studied one lect... i'm still in sleeping gear. i really dread reading wk!!!
11:11 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
i'm in tt darn dilemma again after finding out abt certain stuff... guess things are NEVER straightforward in black n white clarity. faith is never easy n disillusionment pervades like nobody's business. sucky. i really really need a holiday!!! maybe i shld just do first, tell later...
1:19 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009

watched this production by w!ld rice ysterday... GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! totally worth my 46 bucks n 20 cents. every single penny. entertaining, hilarious, witty n gorgeous gorgeous staging. nt to forget mr algernon eye candy + cucumber sandwiches served to the audience + the prim n proper english accent which evidently required lotsa saliva to articulate. haha. tot the actors brought across the text really well though it was an all male casting - really got one to look beyond gender roles, the black/white victorian themes... n surprisingly, the play didnt come off as gayish... n Tang quartet also played on the set :))) a very very impressed n satisfied me. am now in love w the word "bunburyist" n algy's fictional Bunbury character. want my own bunbury character too so i can go bunburying away... oh. n someone in the audience asked tis one very controversial qn during the dialouge session: "Who in the cast is gay?" lol. i am so going to watch another w!ld rice production!

9:38 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
the all-in-one post...
mon - the usual food outing... chris n i n sushi buffet at suki. got pang seh-ed by lw n von cos one overslept n the other needed to go hm to slp...
somebody gt overambitious n ordered a whole lot of sashimi... n i had to help finish up :( sick sick sick. so full tt there wasnt space for the much anticipated lido popcorn
just a portion of the food we ordered

what we did to the leftovers

twelve rounds after buffet.
tues - dug for buddhist socialism essay sources
weds - went for dental + con't to dig
thurs - chionged the essay
fri - submitted tt hateful essay. yays! watched departure at ps after sch w sm, lw n zx. really really GREAT movie!!! liked it a lot. bt sm n i were late for more than 30mins for the show. such a waste. watched the other 3 eat my fav indonesian food while i ate my pathetic carrotcake after the show cos i had aching teeth. sad. then, dumb photos...

late supper after dinner. rocher beancurd + long long chat

reached hm at ard 2 30 n got scolded... my mum said tt they're sun you
sat - went out w rl n corina for shokudu. confessions of a shopaholic after tt. to corina, my "name" varies according to the color i wear - from black ahyi to brown ahyi. lol. she's real cute
today - did something tt was uber unlike me. woke up at 6 30 for a run at macRitchie reservoir. n of course it was my dad's idea. my sis n i gt dragged into it... ran abt 5 plus km + walked the treetop walk n back = 10 plus km. i can't believe we actually did tt. lol. met tis friendly mr slow n steady uncle during my run... kept asking me to con't running n to overtake him cos i paused twice when the trail was going uphill... he's darn fit la. even my dad gave up trying to overtake him. really enjoyed the treetop walk... had a mini family bonding session w my dad... cos we seldom talk much plus entertainment frm my nonsensical sis who walked backwards all the way downslope. nice :) the roti prata shop after tt to put the fats back on. maybe i'll do it again nxt sun. lol.
after the run...
my dad

me n my sis at the back. tried to get my sis into the pic bt she siam-ed. sian.

now all 3 of us have very nua legs...
my cousin came over to pass us her wedding photos after tt...

like tis photo very much... esp my mum's expression. lol.
5:23 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
the best thing tt happened tis wk: my flat buttons are finally out! like FINALLY FINALLY...
n y am i always so stuck on critiques... cambodian hist is so not my forte
5:46 PM