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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize.

i'm a short little junkie, a christian who happens to be a student :), miss last min, online shopping addict, no more mary had a little lamb. haha

loves God, my sugars, shopping, dark nails, vintage, museums, sprees, hanging out, sleeping, drawing, research papers without deadlines, prac crit, music, acoustic + guitarish, cartoons, spongebob, my piggies, black & white, subway, dramedy!



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

feeling darn gan jiong over my citations. need to hand in nxt week!!! just thinking of it makes me depressed...

y the heck did i agree to take up the job

n the clinic ppl keep asking me to cover shifts...

i want my slack sch days back!!!

plus thx to abnormal psych, i can now rot in sch on fridays frm 9 to 6... sian
8:26 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009

bbq pics grabbed from debbies' facebk

my red hot sizzling strawberry!!!

von n debs... plus extras to spoil the pic

cheryl n debs

5 girls + 1 pouty lipped "girly" guy trying to blend in...

citations r boring n tedious... bt they earn me moolah... i miss pocket money...

cny this yr is gonna be boring... my noisy cuzzies r all in msia!!! :( left to visit the less familiar relatives n there goes my potential ang bao money...

n porky, stop kpohing pretty pls :)
10:55 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i got buddhism in sea in place of korea!!! :DDD n pls pls pls let me get my psych tut slot...

bbq on sun w sa peeps... von, cheryl, christian, debs n yx. i am suprised tt everyone managed to turn up. hahaha. cos they r all ultra busy ppl esp the smu peeps. n cheryl is now the president of AIESEC!!! yays! benefits benefits benefits! haha.

had to walk real far w our lobang to get to the bbq pit. all thx to me. haha. i booked a pit all the way at the end in the ulu area f. n us noobs managed to start the FIRE!!! reminds me of tt cute cold war song: we didn't start the fire. lol. random. anyways, it was real fun n mah fan. kept ranting tt we shld just go for some buffet nxt time n wait for ppl to serve us. nice long chat/ interrogations/ nonsensical CMIO stories... east coast is a real good place to laze ard. n yx bought 4 bottles of mineral water n 2 cans of coke for 16 bucks at east coast! daylight robbery la!

looking forward to the next gathering during cny at debs'!!! hopefully it'll be sucessful!

there're still 4 packets of mashmallows left over frm the bbq - i'm going to be the girl who brings mashmallows to lect...

went to ikea for meatballs w lw on mon after lect. shiok! then we bought lw's 90 cents poxy Momo (an alligator w 4 weird spidery orange legs + red poxy dots) n my 90 cents hypothermic Bluey (a blue elephant w green mickey ears) to put in our bags. dun ask me wat for. both of us are just regressing... everybody shld get one n mayb we can have some tea party. haha. went to anchor pt n queensway after tt where i got my ah-lian denim shorts

lw n i got real cheapo dresses from the sch bazaar ysterday... n lw has 2nd thoughts abt momo... not tt cute anym. lol. momo also made a new fren called mr eyebrows in lw's bag. enuff of the kiddish, regressive stuff. i finally saw albert lau, the man who wrote our jc spore hist readings in lw's lect!!!

stuck on nodame cantabile. the fart arrangement is darn farni

8 am lect tmr... zzzzzzz. hope i can be on time...
10:12 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009

half an hr late for 8am lesson.... looks like it's gonna be a trend. hahaha. at least the lect wasn't so bad considering it's cold war.

had a nice long slack in the canteen w von n christian...

so i finally got to hear the whole of christian's longish never ending famous purple passion story

n found out tt i only did 2 out of 3 qns for my sea exam cos i didn't read the instructions. arrghhhh!!! tt damn c+ pulled dwn my cap... real dumb. n it's not the first time... did tt during As too. i never learn my lesson...

cheese prata n neslo peng w lw!!!

abnormal psychology lect - got to listen to the gd looking lecturer's droning voice

n the supposedly "random, attention seeking" qn which christian asked von n i to ask got answered during lect: demonic possession is covered in the syllabus - gosh. totally unexpected...

had general biology lect... more or less sec sch bio stuff. i like. tot the lectuter was pretty cartoon. took a whole bunch of plants to lect for demo... specimens include a really huge, more than a metre long palm tree leaf; some random pandan plant (which he suggested cld be a potential v day gift); n an array of other random plants just for laughs. lol. bet his office is like some forest... glad i took tis module though i had some reservations at first. not as boring as i tot... the best part is tt those who have A level or H2 bio backgrd are BANNED n it's OPEN BOOK!!! woo-hoo

i've booked the bbq pit!!! everybody better show up!!! :D
5:33 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

somebody get me something from themockfrock.livejournal... i'm dying for cute kitschy stuff too pretty to touch
12:54 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009

gosh. i'm so darn elated over the pair of heels i bought frm m)phosis ysterday... love it lots lots

finished watching last friends. i like the ending...

dug myself out of bed today to get my diarrhea-ridden bro out of sch

decided to force myself to give eng tuition to my bro n extort moolah frm him if he doesn't do his hw. hahaha

yays to no monday blues... cos i dun hav sch today!!!

carry 2 txtbks to sch tmr n collect moolah... plus a 2 hr break :( rather squeeze my lessons tgt n go hm early...
12:06 PM
Thursday, January 8, 2009

woo-hoo. got cold war in eu for 1 pt. yays! time to draw ram n yong on my lect notes. double yays!!!

finally sold my genes n society txtbk at a real cheapo price

watched bedtime stories w huda

n living in a sharehouse looks real fun...
11:07 PM

went over to lw's on tues w sm n rongie cos lw wanted to watch a HORROR movie!!! gosh! totally unheard of. so we rented The Omen, hoping to be scared half to death (more of hoping tt lw wld get a gd freaky scare. haha). turns out, it was a long dragggggggggyyyy movie. absolutely zero scare factor. lw was totally not freaked out at all. sian. shall go find a darn scary movie to freak ourselves out nxt time... watched shaolin xiao zi. nostalgia. been a long long time. funny n cute as ever. then it was slacking n randomness... like trying to interpret the lyrics of flightless bird n other lyrical songs lit style. haha. flightless bird is real cheem.

random photos taken by sm...

had a rojak of drinks after dinner till we felt kinda light... sm n i took the last lrt service by _ _ _ _ ooopppsss! terminated at bbp n then cabbed hm

time to use up my bailey's w bitter coffee --- n hopefully it turns out drinkable cos i dun really noe hw to make a decent cup of coffee even though i like my caffeine ALOT

met up w huda ysterday at jp... n she bought a real cutsie notebk frm stationary island... hopefully to be used for the most hateful subject of all... lol. we shld do this more often ya :D

n i'm feeling depressed cos i'm being extorted fish & co by porky wong :(((
2:39 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009

this is proof of having too much time at hand n tt i took the right major!!! yays!

You Scored as History/Anthropology/LiberalArts

You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in History, Anthropology, or related majors (e.g., African and African-American Studies, Chinese, Classics, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, French, Geography, German, Greek, Hebrew, International Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Women's Studies, or other Liberal Arts majors).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.















1:20 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

n i tot my blog wld start the new yr w a non-existent blog skin n it's back again! hahaha.

finally finished my china scrapbook!!! yays! love it! though it's ultra amateurish...

the front cover

the back

cousin's rom (maternal side) on new yr's eve!!!

my ever assuming mum, assumed tt the rom wld start at 11am... bt actually, it was to start at 3pm... n i bathed frigging early just to be given hsehold chores to do since rom wldn't be starting so early... nxt, she assumed tt the rom wld be at fort canning. gt us running ard like lost chickens round fort canning. ewww. were late for 1 hr n missed the ceremony... which was supposed to be held in a restaurant OUTSIDE fort canning... cld hav just called my uncle to confirm the time n venue...

i bathed a grand total of 3 times ysterday n contemplated a 4th due to the hsewrk n running ard. amazing...

in the restaurant...

my parents n cousin... they make a nice family portrait rite?

i like the chocolate cake A LOT


in the car goofing ard w Mohammad Oscar (aka my very flu-prone bro)

went to catch yes man w my bro n cousins after rom... felt like a babysitter. i'm the oldest, bringing a bunch of sec sch kids for a movie. yes man was uber funny... my cousins still didn't want to go hm after the movie... so we went to jp to loiter ard till midnight n shouted a very lame HAPPY NEW YEAR to each other at midnight. lol. not bad!!!
8:14 PM

Jason Mraz & Colbie Caliet - Lucky_0.mp3 -