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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize.

i'm a short little junkie, a christian who happens to be a student :), miss last min, online shopping addict, no more mary had a little lamb. haha

loves God, my sugars, shopping, dark nails, vintage, museums, sprees, hanging out, sleeping, drawing, research papers without deadlines, prac crit, music, acoustic + guitarish, cartoons, spongebob, my piggies, black & white, subway, dramedy!



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

May 2007
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June 2009

Thursday, October 30, 2008

now's the period of ranting, reckoning n PMS-ing... torturous coming wk where all assignments n projs are due. n one more last lect w mr self-high/terrorizing MAS lecturer. help! lw made an enlightening comment today tt we've all been aware of, buried deep deep deep dwn somewhere... we shld have started our readings at the START of semester!!! been thinking abt doing tt every sem bt it never ever happens... soooo consequences, consequences, consequences.

to digress... my bro is recently overly obsessed w styling his hair every night b4 bed. i'm so sick of him asking me to comment on his chicken-head hairstyle. it's gonna be messed up anyw when he slps. so wat's the pt!!!
6:25 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008

yay. aftr gozillion ages, finally managed to change my jurassic phone :)))
4:32 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008

oblivious to gas turned on the whole day.

addicted to the acoustic guitarish.

and no more draggy essays.
10:00 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

it's been a long long long time...

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Psalm 23
9:42 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

had tut at NUS museum ysterday. worth the visit!!! esp love the contemporary art section on the 2nd level... made me miss the art lessons i used to have. such a waste tt the museum has been left dormant on campus cos nt many ppl visit it, much less know abt it. n it's free admission summore. haha, shall try to visit it more frequently if i can find someone to acc me :)

celebrated lw's bdae last sun at marina kbox. most of us were kinda surprised tt lw suggested k. lol. tot gs wld always be the enthu one to suggest it. the guys came prepared to sing k armed w their materials engineering tuts... -_-" hahaha, they totally became "revolutionized" aftr army. amazing!

sm n zx w her constipated faces. lol.

the guys n their tutorials

lw n zx

zx n her fetish w lemons...

the bdae gal...

she can't wait to eat her cake

bt hav to make a wish first

us sec sch peeps...

haha. the kbox staff said tt we looked kinda serious, so we accommodated n did stupid faces...

lw happily cutting her cake

rl n js happily singing away their sad sad song instd of singing some hyper happy song lw wanted... spoil the bdae mood. lol.

p.s. i got the privilege to wear richy-rich zx's exp ferrari logo jacket. trust her to spend a hundred plus bucks juz becos she liked the ferrari logo ALOT.

zx getting high on her song

lw n her card made by me!!!

ok. i admit tt my handy work ain't tt gd... w all the bits dropping out as usual. bt it's the thought tt counts rite :) wat's more, i stuck on the "special-effect" 2 dimensional postcard bits frm changi museum leh. one-of-a-kind k.

time to get started on my fieldtrip assignm. my aim is to finish it by thurs! so tt i dun hav to go back to sch early to submit. planning to cut n paste some parts of my old jap imperialism essay :))))) HAPPY!!! saves my brain juice. n my eu of dictators lecturer is sooooooo NICE! he postponed the essay deadline so i have the whole wkend to do it!!!
1:30 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008

ok. i juz wanna complain to get it out of my system. why must it have to be COURT MARTIAL!!! i'll be perfectly happy as some kopitiam uncle in coffeeshop talk and avoid writing an affidavit. seriously... bt who knows whether there'll be some drama-mama n heated debate on the day of the "court session" itself. lol.
7:47 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008

oh man, i've been thinking about lots of useless stuff nowadays n it's affecting my sleep... this is so very random...
11:34 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

fieldtrip on sun was crazy... the lecturer made us walk thru the mangrove swarm, mud, one weird crab-like creature w a straight tail n who noes wat. no wonder he told us to wear shoes. at least von came prepared: shoes + diff types of mozzie repellent + aloe gel. had to cross a real narrow n slippery bridge to venture deeper... got out super dirty n sweaty. then had to go to a couple of other ulu places, climb slopes n stand under the hot sun to hear him rattle on... so far, liked kranji memorial the most! real tranquil n nice landscaping... real great place to study in my opinion... dropped my one n only pencil there, hope it's happy lying ard on carpet grass w the dead. lol. BUT, at least i found out tt i only have to do one fieldtrip essay instd of 2!!! heng. by the end of the trip, lw was one red lobster n i got weird tan lines on my arms... one more fieldtrip on sat to go...

waited in sch like a goon for 2 hrs for my 4pm tut yesterday. in the end, there wasn't any. tt's for not paying attention - goes to u too, von. haha.
9:15 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008

forensic mid term ysterday was REAL sucky. found out just only ysterday tt there wld be NO mcqs at all, only short ans. so much for chiong-ing thru my lects w a mcq mindset. as usual, my compressed brain cldnt take in the specifics... stoned for quite a while at the start of the paper cos my mind was blank, cldnt list the withdrawal symptoms of heroin, rmb the names of the drug tests (much less hw to spell them) n arghhh!!! the ever hated probability qn came out **plus the person behind me was 'wah kau'-ing thru out the test. really gt on my nerves** mayb it's all the last min-ness n late night essay-ing the past whole wk tt's making my brain malfunction. looks like it's time to S/U!!!

n my old navy stuff arrived!!! gt it frm lw on thurs. really really luv them :))

field trip at 8am tmr... so very early. hope i can wake up. n say hi to lotsa walking, mosquitoes n a field trip report on "Is there any point to studying the battle of Singapore island in Feb 1942? Why or why not?"
11:25 AM

Jason Mraz & Colbie Caliet - Lucky_0.mp3 -