Saturday, August 30, 2008
last day at wrk ysterday! :) cb said tt i'm a jinx. cos we 'kena'-ed fire drill n traffic jam on the way to lunch when i reported to wrk to sign my clearance. lol. fire drill = 1 hr off wrk + traffic jam = longer lunchtime. isnt tt supposed to be gd?!
went to sch aftr wrk for forensic lect which was on PROBABILITY!!! the lect was a total affirmation to the fact tt I HATE MATHS!!! 0_0 zzzzz ????? thruout the lect. hope tt probability is only a teeny portion of the syllabus. n it was a gd thing lect ended early. was super sleepy...
photos taken w chris' wide lens lomo quite some time ago at the sky garden... mine's still waiting to be processed cos i still have lots of frames left :(

6:43 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
been busy w citations last wk so kinda lazy to blog. bt, yay! contract's up by tis wk. no more citations!!!
last wk was pretty much packed:
citations; went for an allergy test w lw to get the $10 co-op voucher (n i found out tt i'm allergic to dust mites); youth orchestra concert w xl thx to his free ticket :)). i shall try calling into 92.4 frm nxt time. haha; field trip to fort canning on sat (freaking raining the whole day) + lw n i spent A LOT of effort just to get to an atm machine for cash to eat at popeye's (it is so INACCESSIBLE!!!). then went to twn to get paper for the scrapbk - totally shagged n LOTS of WALKING
watched meet dave w my sis ysterday. nt bad, pretty funny bt quite short, only 1h 30 mins. bt still recommended!!! 2 more movie vouchers n 1 secret recipe voucher to go. they're all due by tis thurs! help! n tmr's timetable sucks. tut at 8 am in the morning. followed by a 6 hr break... n lessons end at 9pm. yuck.
oh man. i luv tis song...
Violet Hill (cold play)Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops i remember
There was snow
White snow
Clearly i remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below
When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low
If you love me
Won't you let me know?
Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And a fox
Became God
Priests clutched onto bibles
And went out to fit their rifles
And the cross was held aloft
Bury me in honor
When i'm dead and hit the ground
A love back home unfolds
If you love me
Won't you let me know?
I don't want to be a soldier
With the captain of some sinking ship
With snow, far below
So if you love me
Why'd you let me go?
I took my love down to violet hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still
So if you love me
Won't you let me know?
If you love me,
Won't you let me know?
4:23 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
citations web of science google scholar citations web of science google scholar citations web of science google scholar citations web of science google scholar citations web of science google scholar citations web of science google scholar citations web of science google scholar - perfect way to spend the wkend.
i am feeling so gulity for spending more than expected at the sasa sale... gonna scrimp the nxt wk away. NO MORE EATING OUT!!!
6:39 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
went to von's bdae party on sun. lots of catching up w jc classmates. had a great time there! talked abt our fav topics: hist teachers n religion!!! found out tt yoong actually behaves alot like borchberg as pointed out by christian... the way he walks, pouts n squints his eyes. hilarious! n it's really amazing hw christian can read ppl... n it's scary at the same time. hmmmm... felt tt i was being interrogated during our chat. lol.
finally went to cut my hair today. yay!!! bt think the fringe's a little short though...
anyw, dear rl: 10 BUCKS, 10 BUCKS, 10 BUCKS, 10 BUCKS, 10 BUCKS, 10 BUCKS, 10 BUCKS!!!!
catch my drift?
n i can't can't can't believe tt yx is also watching friends!!! hahaha. n she is sososo much faster than me.
my current addictions:
1) Friends. n janice's laughter n her oh. my.god. totally can't gt it out of my head
2) How i met ur mother
3) Etsy!!!
4) Marching bands of Manhattan
5) milo/coffee w baileys!!!
6) milk tea!!!
pics at the old office back in nus b4 moving to the new imposing n maze-like fusionopolis
my cute colleagues n the boss

and cb totally faking it. hahaha

super messy huh. n those hateful cisco boxes which gt me "self-mutilated" arms!!! ewwwww
10:01 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
+ok. sometimes i think tt my brain is in a nicely scrambled n wandering mess. so, sometimes i think, what the heck. dun feel like thinking anymore. :))

think my scrapbook looks fugly compared to those made by seasoned scrappers. bt still, like it a lot. mess + stupid drawings + comments + time spent = :D
the digression... asian civilizations musuem!!! luv luv luv musuems

8:45 PM