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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize.

i'm a short little junkie, a christian who happens to be a student :), miss last min, online shopping addict, no more mary had a little lamb. haha

loves God, my sugars, shopping, dark nails, vintage, museums, sprees, hanging out, sleeping, drawing, research papers without deadlines, prac crit, music, acoustic + guitarish, cartoons, spongebob, my piggies, black & white, subway, dramedy!



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Friday, November 30, 2007

super gd mood today cos i can finally slow dwn the pace aftr 4 consecutive days of dreaded exams... went to far east w rl to find a dress to wear for my cuzzy's wedding. coincidentally, met lw there! she's also taking a break b4 her last paper, like us... lol. went for hydrobath later. shuang! almost fell aslp in the bathtub. thx rl!!!

then we met tis really friendly guy from Morocco selling kebab at the pasar malam. haha, realised tt i'm pretty ignorant aftr chatting w him. all this while, i thought tt Morocco's some turkish country in the Middle East. juz found out today tt it's actually an african country!!! haha, though i've come across the ctry Morocco qutie a few times in history, i still can't get the facts right!!! n rl kept commenting tt he's very cute n handsome. lol. rl!!! wat abt wouter?! haha...
7:58 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007

feeling kinda sentimental today... sometimes things juz happen so suddenly n unexpectedly. life is juz so unpredictable n everything's so transient, fleeting. then when reality begins to slowly sink in, the waft of nostalgic emotions accompanies it even when it may be someone u're not too familiar with. well, guess life's like tt. perhaps God juz made things the way they are for a reason... something tt's diffc to comprehend in this lifetime. okay, enuff of my sentiments. one more exam paper to go and i'm finally free!!!
10:36 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007

went for dental ysterday... n came back looking like an alien. haha. my mouth is full of stuff. nw i hav to wear 3 rubber bands over my braces and my teeth are aching like crazy. can't eat solid stuff. plus the rubber bands are such a hassle. hav to remove them before eating...n i hav to wear them for a few months!!! ewwwww!!!

exams r starting on mon... n i can't rmb stuff! esp china...it's giving me a colossal headache as usual... i wan to get it over n done with!
6:39 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

went to my fav place to study w huda today: je libr!!! coincidentally, met sm there! so unexpected, didnt realise tt she was sitting opp us until she called us. lol. pretty productive for the first half of the day cos i cld concentrate on my project. bt second half was so unproductive... kept daydreaming n stuff juz cant get into my head. haha, huda kept saying tt her brain has reached saturation point. we need oil supply!!! n lots of it!!!

anyw, the librarian gave us a love letter today... haha, tt was for leaving our seats vacant for too long. keep seeing him everywhere...
8:57 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

zombified... been slping at 3, 4 plus the past few days. i am so very tired!!! still rushing one research paper after another. i wana sleep!!!
12:06 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007

went to see the chinese doc during break ysterday cos of the pain in my foot. gt scared half to death by rl cos she said tt the treatm might be painful...bt thank god it wasnt, or else i think i'll back out. haha. thx to rl for accompanying me =)

my bandaged foot... nw i smell of tcm

lao po n i then went to meet zx, lj n socks for sushi after south asia lect. so glad to see them! it's been a long long time! n lj is still as tall as ever. lol. had a great time talking nonsense and catching up. found out a lot of juicy, interesting stuff tt i didnt know b4. haha. hope we can meet up again soon! happy, happy, happy!
3:16 PM

Jason Mraz & Colbie Caliet - Lucky_0.mp3 -