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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize.

i'm a short little junkie, a christian who happens to be a student :), miss last min, online shopping addict, no more mary had a little lamb. haha

loves God, my sugars, shopping, dark nails, vintage, museums, sprees, hanging out, sleeping, drawing, research papers without deadlines, prac crit, music, acoustic + guitarish, cartoons, spongebob, my piggies, black & white, subway, dramedy!



FONTS. swimchick
IMAGE. as credited.
CODES. shotgun
DESIGNER. sheryl

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Friday, July 20, 2007

ok...for dear huda's sake, i'm gonna update just for u k? =)

the week before wasnt very gd... was sick for a week ... had fever, vomitting, diarrhea n stomachache...n my grandma passed away... n it all happened on fri the 13th... so uncanny!!!

super sleepy today... wrked frm 9am to 1am the day before... shagged!!! luckily, wrk today was super slack... had nothing to do almost the whole morning n also after lunch... in the end, we had a little "congregation" at the pantry cos we had nothing to do...shiok!!! knocked off early too! bt heard tt lots of cards will be coming in nxt wk...hope no need to do OT...

went out with cheryl for dinner aftr wrk today. it's been a long time since i've met up w her...heh cheryl...can see tt u miss me =D, will try to make it on fri for the outing. hope to see u ard soon n rmb my turkish delight!!! haha...
9:16 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007

had a headache n vomitted...dun need to go to wrk today. yeah!!! can do my own stuff n slp. really coincedental cos another temp has fever n diarrhea. hmm...wonder whether ist food posioning...

anyw, got a surprise call frm a friend overseas ysterday nite...really shocked. her stay there sounds really interesting, espcially when she can get to eat pizza almost everyday...lol. hope to meet her at the airport when she returns frm germany...bt i hav dental :( sian... really hope to go for student exchange programme some day... bt i need company...dun dare to go alone...haha, cos i'm super blur, sure get lost in some foreign country...sounds like a little kid huh? lol

10:41 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

got pretty irritated with someone on the mrt today on the way back frm wrk. there was this guy in a red jersey who was leaning on the pole, oblivious to the other hands on the pole... ist it obvious tt other ppl need to use it?! such a selfish guy! i really really DISLIKE ppl who lean on the poles. soooooooo irritating!!! especially when the train is super crowded n ppl need to hold on to something to keep their balance. the worse thing is tt i see such ppl almost everyday! was discussing abt tis with sm last sun...mayb nxt time we'll pokey poke the person or something. evil...

juz declared my major. i'm taking HISTORY!!! mayb i'll be wrking in some old dusty museum in the near future. haha, can't really imagine tt lol.

super tired...need my 13 hours of sleep. hope i can wake up tmr
10:11 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007

almost dozed off during wrk today...checking visa cards is like so zzzZZZZzzzz...n i hav to survive for one month. summore the temp staff sitting beside me is going off for uni camp...no one to chat w me nxt wk...double boredom!!!

bt one gd thing abt wrking at raffles place is tt there's lots of nice food!!! had sliced fish soup today near the temple, really delicious. mayb going to try the cai fan nxt time. plus there's like so many eating places to go during lunch time. shiok!!! going to gt fat wrking there. haha... PLUS-SIZED ME!!! lol

luv jay chou's new song!!! bu neng shou de mi mi... he looks so cool playing the guitar n piano!!! my idol!!!
9:12 PM
Monday, July 2, 2007

hehe... it's been a long long time since i've visited my blog. been feeling lazy to the extent tt i didnt even feel like typing or going online. basically bummed ard and spurlged after i quit wrk at tecman...been hanging out w my sec sch friends pretty often...almost every week. kinda made up for the time lost in jc when we didnt meet up so often due to schwrk. life's pretty gd now :)

went for cell bbq a few weeks ago, can't rmb when...juz rmbed tt it was fun and raining!!! haha, ended up hanging out in the function rm eating non-stop w xuan wen...

trying to act wacky...

cell girls...plus the super extra bryan. haha.

waiting for sm to pass me the pics tis sun...then i can upload like crazy on my next post...

btw, gt a new job at NETS. pretty mundane job checking credit cards, cash cards etc., bt at least there're ppl to chat with :) bt wat i dun like is tt i have to wear tis super large dark blue coat which makes me look like a little kid. lol. security there is super tight. i even need a security pass juz to go to the washrm...

celebrated sm's bdae later today at pizza hut... service there was pretty bad. they took so long to serve us n it seems tt the waiters and waitresses were avoiding us (becos of rl's super fierce face that scared them away. perhaps ?)... lol. forced gs to serve us cos he's the only guy there. haha, pretty funny...ty recorded a video of him serving us...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SM!!! hope u enjoyed ur day...

less ranting the nxt time i gt my pics...cos pics speak louder than words...hahah
11:49 PM

Jason Mraz & Colbie Caliet - Lucky_0.mp3 -